Mondi!? How scandalous!!!! Cover up those shoulders!
A Man Suddenly In Black
And the playmate of the Month for January '92? Japanese model turned CAT III actress Tamami Asuka. Tamami appeared in a few films, the CAT III one's being HIDDEN PASSION (1991), LOVE IN SAMPAN (1992) and DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS (1993). You can check out my review and a few screenies of HIDDEN PASSION right HERE.
More of the former Miss Asia, Isabelle Chow, now with a little play pal, on the cover of the July 1992 issue. Does anyone know who her partner is? She doesn't ring any bells.
Nothing much of note in this issue aside from Isabelle and her lady friends shenanigans but there is also a laserdisc review of Sammo's MY FLYING WIFE (1991)!
Isabelle and ?
Also part of the Eliza Yue issue is an interview with one of HK's best directors, Ms. Ann Hui. Yes. Ann Hui is in Playboy. Ha! There is also a segment of '20 Questions' with Kathleen Turner, before she ate a small village.
And last, but certainly not least. My favorite issue of the bunch. The February 1992 issue with my darling Chan Wing-Chi adorning the cover. Look at the ass....I mean punim! Adorable.
Wing-Chi has quite the pictorial spread in this issue as she is also the Playmate of the Month. But what is so fascinating is that she doesn't really show anything!? Is this a first for a Playmate of the Month? Bum crack ass-ide (a-thank you), Wing-Chi goes the Austin Powers route and happily blocks all of the meat and potatoes.
Curious, in that she has no problem going the full Monty for cinema. At any rate, I'll take my Wing-Chi any way I can get her. Fully clothed in a parka or burka. Either will do just fine.
Aside from the allure of my lovely Ms. Chan, there is also a Latoya Jackson pictorial that looks to be transplanted from the US version. I vaguely remember my best friends older brother acquiring a copy of the famed 'Latoya' Playboy and the pics look similar. Yikes! There is also a Bruce Lee article on hand if the Latoya layout just F's you up too much.
And, along for this wonderful issues ride, a write up of one of the BEST HK movies ever......
Pauline Chan Bo-Lin (1973-2002)
So, another fine purchase, if I do say so myself. And there are more mags on the way. So, I'll end this post with the labored cliche, "I only read Playboy for the articles!" Actually, if I could read Chinese, that just might be true.
Lots of great info here! Can you help me identify some HK Playboy covers? I have all HK covers posted on my site but many cover models are unidentified. Here's a link and thanks in advance if you get a chance to take a look.